Hounslow Short Breaks

Short breaks provide opportunities for disabled children and young people to spend time away from their primary carers. They aim to provide parents and carers a necessary and valuable break away from their caring responsibilities in order to recharge their batteries. They enable disabled children and young people to have the chance to develop new friendships, take part in new experiences and to have fun doing positive activities like sports, music therapy, youth clubs and much more. A short break may include a few hours, a day, evening, overnight stay, weekend or sometimes longer. It could take place in the family home, at another home or out in the wider community.

Hounslow Short Breaks team also endeavour to provide short breaks for the whole family in an environment that is sympathetic to the disabled child or young person, for example, theatre shows and cinema screenings. For more information, please see the Short Breaks Statement on the Hounslow website – www.hounslow.gov.uk/ shortbreaks under ‘Downloads’. If you have any queries, please do call the Short Breaks team on 020 8583 3636.

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