Vision and Values

The Vision

Who are we?
At Edison, our child-centred approach shapes children to become happy, curious and confident individuals, nurtured in our kind, collaborative and inclusive school.
How do we do it?
We ignite young minds through an engaging curriculum, cultivating their love of science by empowering them with extensive knowledge and skills.
Where are we going?
We develop our children to be well rounded, self-aware, and respectful with high aspirations, and who strive to change the world for a brighter tomorrow.

Our core principles:

  • High Expectations
  • Broad Curriculum
  • Science and Practical Learning
  • Strong Parent Partnership

High expectations and challenge for all pupils

Our pupils will make outstanding progress during their time at Edison, both academically and socially. The norm will be to continually strive for academic excellence and achievement above national expectations. Our distinct ethos with its strong sense of curiosity and high expectations is echoed in our motto ‘Igniting young minds today, for a brighter tomorrow’. Every parent deserves a school that nurtures the individual potential of their child. We want our pupils to dream big and it is our purpose to keep their aspirations alive.

Our values of

Enthusiastic in Approach

Determined Individuals

Independent Learners


Open and Respectful

Nurturing in nature

are the foundations behind everything we will do as a staff and school.

 Visible Science and Practical learning

“Many students find science extremely inspiring and interesting. Science instils a sense of intrigue and enables students to develop understanding and form questions based both on the knowledge they already have and the insight they wish to gain in the future. Students who excel in science lessons are likely to develop a strong ability to think critically.” Source:

Science and practical learning at the forefront

Edison Primary is the first Science specialist primary school to be established in West London. We want to pioneer a renewed focus on science. This will be achieved through the rigorous new curriculum, which has a far stronger emphasis on practical work and therefore bring added vibrancy to learning activities.

This will be achieved in the following ways:

  • Well-resourced science rooms
  • Half a day dedicated to science based lessons per week with emphases on practical experiences
  • Strong links to Health and Physical Literacy
  • Regular planned active participation in Growing and Forest School programmes.
  • The Primary Science Crest Award scheme.
  • Opportunities for illustrative and investigative scientific enquiry at the forefront of planning
  • Practical cookery classes linked to learning in Science, Maths and English.


Working scientifically

Our curriculum throughout the key stages will develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. This will be achieved by setting non-negotiable strategies for teaching and learning in each year group. Planning will include weekly practical sessions, allowing pupils to develop confidence and skills in investigative work.

Skills in questioning, observing, identifying, classifying, gathering data and solving problems will lay down secure foundations of scientific knowledge. In KS1 the emphasis will be on children participating in scientific investigations that develop an understanding of what it means to be scientific. For example, they will hypothesize, collect and analyse data, and develop explanations towards solving problems. Practical work will often be used as a starting point to most topics. Our focus on quality, practical work will not only engage pupils with the processes of scientific enquiry, but also ignite the excitement and wonder of the subject.


A Broad Curriculum

Our curriculum will be broad, balanced, and extend beyond the classroom. It will promote meaningful learning and skills for life. An enquiry led and practical based curriculum will encourage children to find solutions, promote collaborative learning, be active learners, encourage them to persevere and face challenges. Our Rationale highlights the current issues being faced by school children in Hounslow. Our Vision is a response to the growing concerns around health and achievement in the area whilst creating responsible citizens of the future.

We will achieve this through rich learning experiences scaffolded by:

  • The National Curriculum
  • The Learning Outside the Classroom manifesto incorporating Eco Schools
  • Access to 11+ tutoring on school site
  • Daily physical activity
  • Raise awareness of global issues through links with International Schools, and achieving Eco-School status
  • Fundraising projects actively involving pupils to bring first hand real-life experiences of problem solving, team work as well as stock and budget management.
  • Residential trips in Years 5 and 6
  • Links with local businesses to support and deliver our vision


Strong Parent Partnerships

Parents and carers are encouraged to be fully involved in their child’s learning and in the life of the school. Our many years of experience in teaching, has shown us that children attach greater value and respect to their school life, when this is modelled by their parents and teachers.

“We feel very happy with the communication from the staff. They are available at our convenience to talk about the development of our child”. - Parent

This will be achieved through in the following ways:

  • Active parent trustees

  • Edison Friends (parent teacher association) fundraising events

  • Parents fully involved in teacher consultations, curriculum evenings and target setting meetings

  • Sharp lines of communication, for example, direct Seesaw contact with their class teacher and senior leaders, as well as any particular school updates via texts, emails and newsletters

  • A range of structured clubs – sports, art, music, dance and ‘growing schools’ activities

  • Opportunity for children to attend catch-up interventions